Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Few Late Night Plugs...

Before I shuffle off to dream pleasant nightmares, I thought it time to thank the fistful of fine bloggers who have been so kind as to bestow upon me some befuddling yet gratifying awards that have been going around the blogosphere like the clap as of late...

Presented to The Vault of Horror by:

Cortez the Killer of Planet of Terror

BJ-C of Day of the Woman

John Kenneth Muir of Reflections on Film and TV

Brad McHargue of I Love Horror

T.L. Bugg of The Lightning Bug's Lair


Presented to The Vault of Horror by:

Monster Scholar of Monster Land

Ms. Harker of Musings Across a Continuum

Brad McHargue of I Love Horror

BJ-C of Day of the Woman

Thanks to all. Now enough of this mutual admiration society--quit the back-patting, and get back to work!

* * * * * * * * * *

And while I have your attention, I'd like to make it official that I am no longer the only one in my household with a blog. That's right, because my daughter, whom you may know as the irrepressible Zombelina--all seven years of her--now has officially carved out her very own corner of the internet. It's called Book Town, and it features her very own insights and commentary on the stuff she loves to read. So if you have a kid you think might be interested, or if perhaps you're just young at heart, please be so kind as to pay it a visit. She's real cute and smart, and she'll appreciate it very much.