Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Black Sheep's Blu-Tuesday

Last week, I pushed the BBC Earth series, LIFE, on you without having seen a single sumptuous shot.  My copy came in the mail shortly after I posted and I've been taking in as much LIFE as possible since then.  While I am not as blown away as I was when I first saw "Planet Earth", I have been thoroughly enjoying LIFE.  Rather than focusing more on the planet itself, this series, narrated by Oprah Winfrey in the North American version available in stores, focuses more on the planet's inhabitants and the crazy ways in which they have had to adapt and comport themselves in order to survive.  Flying fish defy all rules of nature; birds of paradise are also interior decorators; and who knew that reptiles were so damn fascinating ... and disgusting.  If you haven't been able to catch LIFE on the Discovery channel, be sure to rent or buy it.  It's like they say ... LIFE is beautiful.

In other Blu-ray news, here are the highlights of today's releases:

I will not mince words here.  The movies of 2010 have sucked hard so far.  Martin Scorcese's SHUTTER ISLAND is certainly no masterpiece but it is by far the most engaging and exciting film that Hollywood has released all year.  Watching it both requires and demands your full attention.  Not only is it a visual trip but the master mind melt is what will stay with you long after you're finished.  Scorcese's directorial decisions are deliberate and, while you can sometimes feel his hand shaking while trying to hold all the plot intricacies together, I always felt happy to feel his presence.  When I saw it in theatres, I knew further viewings would reveal more and more depth to the twisted story.  Now that I can watch it over and over again in my living room, I intend to find out just how far that depth will go.

I don't have the greatest memory and I don't quite recall if I have in fact seen the supposed classic 1980's comedy, CADDYSHACK.  I'm sure I've seen at least parts of it but, other than the fact that it involves golf and a gopher, I couldn't even piece together a plot for you without reading the back of the box.  Warner Home Video is sending me a copy for review but I have yet to receive it.  My brother insists that I will not enjoy myself but I figure it deserves its day.  After all, it has been 30 years since the film was released and that gopher actually still looks pretty legit considering.  Not to mention, it will be good to see Chevy Chase and Bill Murray 30 years younger than they are today.  I'm not so sure how great it will be to see Rodney Dangerfield.  I can barely stand his face on the film sleeve.

Wong Kar-Wai's HAPPY TOGETHER is a bewildering film experience that leaves your breath taken.  Tony Leung and Leslie Cheung play lovers who have left their native Hong Kong for adventure in Argentina.  Instead of adventure though, they find themselves facing the demise of their tumultuous relationship.  As shot through the dazzling eyes of master cinematographer and regular Wong collaborator, Christopher Doyle, HAPPY TOGETHER is a visual feast that is matched in intensity only by the explosive tension between the two leads.  There are no new special features on the Blu-ray release but the film promises to be incredibly gorgeous in 1080P and should be seen by any fan of international or gay cinema.  This is one of my all-time favorite films, hands down.

ALSO NEW THIS WEEK: The director of TAKEN, Pierre Morel, follows up with the disappointing, FROM PARIS WITH LOVE, starring John Travolta and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers.  And, as it is a pretty slow week it would appear, the only other major release is the Edward Norton starring, THE ILLUSIONIST.

Source: Blu-ray.com