His writings have been known to send chills up the spines of readers, but never before has the legendary Stephen King provoked such abject terror. In this video posted exclusively on TMZ.com yesterday, an ardent King fan asks the author to autograph one of her daughter's diapers (!) only to send her little one into uncontrolled hysterics. Now if only more of King's movie adaptations could have a similar effect on viewers...
*PREMIERE TICKET GIVEAWAY* The Vault of Horror is giving away VIP passes to premiere theatrical showings of the direct-to-DVD urban thriller Somebody Help Me in Washington, DC (Thursday), Baltimore (Friday) and Atlanta (Saturday). Anyone interested in getting their name on the VIP list, shoot me an e-mail. If you're curious, you can watch the trailer below, and check out pix from the L.A. premiere here and here.