![rick baker, benicio del torro, wolfman, rb bdt, Image Hosting](http://img01.picoodle.com/img/img01/9/9/8/dravenuk/f_RBBDTm_0d2c5ad.jpg)
While the remake of The Wolf Man might currently be mired in writers' strike limbo, I thought I would lighten things up a bit with this recent shot I found on Werewolf-Movies.com of Benicio "Larry Talbot" Del Toro hamming it up with makeup effects wizard Rick Baker. Renowned for his benchmark work on another lyncanthropic materpiece, An American Werewolf in London:
Baker will be working on The Wolf Man as well (assuming it's still happening.) Has to be a dream come true for a lifelong Universal fan like Baker. But hell, by the looks of Del Toro, it seems like they might not even need him!