They say there's no such thing as bad press and German director, Uwe Boll, better hope they're right as Entertainment Weekly named him the worst contemporary film director on the planet (or something like that) earlier this year. Still, someone's got to like this guy as he keeps making movies. In fact he's got four more at various stages of production right now. His 2007 film, POSTAL, has just hit DVD and BLACK SHEEP REVIEWS is giving you the chance to win one of three copies of the film the New York Times calls "infantile, irreverent and boorish to the max." We've even got an added bonus, thanks to the good folks at Peace Arch Home Entertainment. If you win a DVD copy, you also get an autographed mini-poster from Uwe Boll himself!
Now I haven't seen this film so I'm not trying to push it on you. I am trying to push free stuff on you though. All you need to do is drop me an e-mail explaining why you love (or hate) Uwe Boll (a couple of sentences will suffice). Someone has got to defend this guy! Three winners will be picked at random from the entries and the best responses will be published on Black Sheep. Entries will be accepted until midnight on Monday, September 1, and the winners will be announced the next day. Be sure to include your contact info as well so that I can arrange for you to get your prize. (e-mail joseph@blacksheepreviews.com)
Good luck and go!
Charles Marcil who wrote:
Two words ... videogames rock.
Christian Montpetit who wrote:
I could go on and on like the haters and say he's ruining movies and video games .... bla bla bla but I won't . Why ? Plain and simple, the dude's got BALLS. He has something in mind; he will do everything he can to do it. It may be by scamming the German government or by organizing boxing matches with his haters. I don't particularly love his movies as they are for the most part, entertaining at best but they are not total disasters like some are making it seem. What I think he lacks, is the ability to choose the right actors for the parts. So all in all , I will at one point or another watch all his movies but you won't see me @ the theatre to see them.
And Jason Hughes who wrote:
Uwe Boll is great if only because he's different. Fearless and often tasteless, the results are always interesting, something which the mainstream film industry sorely lacks.
Congratulations and thank you to all who participated. Winners will be contacted via e-mail.