Fans will recall that Platinum Dunes was brought on board by Warner Bros. back in January to reboot the franchise, owing to its rep for doing the same for other properties like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday the 13th. Last month, they even hired a screenwriter--Wesley Strick, the writer of Arachnaphobia, Wolf and Scorsese's Cape Fear.
But now the Vault has discovered that the Warner Bros.-Platinum Dunes deal may, in fact, have fallen apart. To be clear, this doesn't necessarily mean that the Nightmare remake isn't happening (though let's all keep our fingers crossed on that one), it just means that Michael Bay won't be the one doing it. Not sure if this means that Strick is no longer working on the script.
Why Platinum Dunes blew it, if in fact it did, still isn't clear. Could it be that they simply came to their senses? Nah, I don''t think so, either.