A couple of weeks ago, I put together a year in review, but wouldn't you know it? 2008 was such a multi-faceted year for horror that I simply couldn't fit it all in one post.
For one thing, I neglected to mention The Strangers--which just so happened to be the best American horror film I saw this year. Certainly not what I'd call an all-time great, but a solid little flick based around a tried-and-true, lean-and-mean formula. A worthy addition to the home invasion horror sub-genre--and if the Oscars had a category for Best Actress in a Horror Movie (now there's an idea!) it would definitely go to Liv Tyler.
As for best horror film I saw all year, period, that accolade would have to go to Let the Right One In. While I had yet to see the so-called "Swedish vampire movie" at the time I wrote the first "Year in Horror" post, I've now had the pleasure of experience, and can confidently heap such praise on it. I know I've written this before, but I will be posting a full review of that exquisite picture in the very near future.
But 2008 wasn't just about the new. As the DVD format has taught us, there is great joy to be gained in reliving the treasures of the past. Last time, I didn't even touch on major video releases, so let's remedy that, shall we?
After a long struggle, fervent fans of the original 1932 classic The Mummy got their wish, as Universal finally gave the film the deluxe "Legacy" treatment given to Dracula and Frankenstein. What, no Wolf Man? Maybe in time for next year's remake.
And speaking of the Universal Legacy series, Psycho also got the deluxe treatment. Believe it or not, it's the first such "special edition" DVD release for Hitchcock's seminal work.
Finally, high on my list in case there are any generous Vault Dwellers reading, Sony put out a spiffy new box set containing the Hammer flicks to which it owns the distributions rights. Called Icons of Horror: Hammer Films, it includes The Curse of the Mummy's Tomb, The Two Faces of Dr. Jeckyll, Scream of Fear, and The Gorgon. That should fit nicely on my shelf, alongside the previous Warner Bros. and Universal Hammer releases.
Oh yeah, and did I mention Lucio Fulci's The Beyond got a much-needed re-release? Once again, generous Vault Dwellers take note!