“Twilight drunk? No, not even drunk. Twilight on acid? No, not even on acid? Twilight at gun point? Just shoot me.”
Yep, the preceding was a tweet ejaculated upon the internets by one David Spade, way back last year, before the first Twilight movie was released. And... before Slade was announced as the director of the third film in the Twilight series, Eclipse.
Slashfilm is reporting that a panicked Slade abruptly deleted his Twitter account this week, most likely after the offending tweet was discovered. Supposedly, producers Summit Entertainment have lapped up Slade's line about the comments being "a joke", but are worried about the hardcore Twilight fans. I, too, am worried about the hardcore Twilight fans, but for entirely different reasons.
Despite recent radio appearances orchestrated to help dispel the rumors, it would appear that yes, the once-edgy director of Hard Candy and 30 Days of Night has sold out faster than Halo 3.