Yes, it's cheesy, and not exactly what I'd call a quality flick. Yet this over-the-top homage to the radioactive bug movies of the 1950s is a lot of fun, and hard not to like. David Arquette is just such a dummy, and I truly appreciate how he's been able to capitalize on that in his movie career.
Unfortunately, this flick from Dawn of the Dead '04 screenwriter and Troma alum David Gunn was marketed as a straight-up horror movie, so a lot of people were disappointed at the sheer ridiculosity they beheld in the theaters. Too bad. How could you not love that freaky bloated mutant chick?
Believe it or not, there was actually a time when this series was pretty funny. Anna Faris is the funniest comic actress around, and this was basically what put her on the map. I never thought I'd side with the Wayans on anything, but there's no denying this franchise was way better in their hands.
Thanks to BJ-C of Day of the Woman for introducing me to this sweet little horror comedy about a bunch of misfit teens who have to save their much cooler high school cohorts from an all-out zombie uprising in their hometown. So many good bits throughout, and zombie sex is only one of them.
I just discovered this underrated indie gem thanks to IFC On-Demand, and I'm glad I did. LOTR's Dominic Monaghan stars in this story of common graverobbers who get more than they bargained for when they start unearthing zombies and all other sorts of not-quite-dead nasties. Ron Perlman is also excellent in a supporting role as a somewhat shady priest.
As if the Evil Dead films weren't enough to cement Bruce Campbell's immortality amongst genre fans, he also wrecks shop in this cult favorite directed by Phantasm mastermind Don Coscarelli from a short story by Joe R. Lansdale. Elvis & JFK vs. Mummies. 'Nuff said.
A brilliant and subversive little piece of horror satire, this Canadian treasure crosses Pleasantville with Day of the Dead, with deliciously enjoyable results. The always excellent Dylan Baker is comedy gold, as is unrecognizable Scottish comedian Billy Connolly in the title role of everyone's favorite pet zombie. In turns subtle and laugh-out-loud funny.
Holy crap was this movie a blast. A horror-comedy-action flick, how could you not love that? Woody Harrelson is amazing as the greatest cinematic zombie hunter of all time, and the comic chemistry between him and Jesse Eisenberg is absolutely off the charts. Plus, words cannot do justice to the already legendary Bill Murray cameo.
Yeah, I know it was produced two years ago, but it was just released this year. And man, did it ever make this Halloween season that much more fun for those of us fortunate enough to have seen it. A bit more scary than it is funny, nevertheless this delightful nod to the E.C. Comics tradition always keeps tongue firmly in cheek, as they say.
But of course. The modern-day gold standard of horror comedies. Not only would I call this the best horror comedy of the decade, I'd go so far as to call it the finest flick out of the entire zombie renaissance of the past eight years--which is ironic, since it's obviously meant as a send-up of zombie films. Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg's adoration for the subgenre comes through so clearly in every moment of this film, and it also works perfectly as a romantic comedy at the same time. Utterly brilliant.