Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Deadgirl to Go the REPO Route!

Everyone knows I've been pumping up Deadgirl--the film that's going to hit you all like a giant wrecking ball of profane awesomeness next month--of late here at the VoH. If you don't know, then check out my recent interview with the directors, as well as my full review.

Back? Ok, good. Because Dark Sky Films, the distributors of this little gem, has officially announced today that the movie will be released as a "Midnight Road Show Event"--very similar to what was done with another recent cult hit that was deemed to edgy for the masses, REPO: The Genetic Opera.

“The buzz on the film has been at a steady increase since its debut at the Toronto film festival, and we hope to build upon that momentum with nationwide midnight events," says Dark Sky's Marketing Manager Nicole Mikuzis (big-ups to my fellow marketing peeps trying to make a dollar outta 15 cents in this P.R. game, yo). "There is nothing like being part of a festival or midnight audience and sharing an experience as shocking, thought-provoking and polarizing as the one DEADGIRL provides. We would like to bring that type of festival ‘event’ experience to moviegoers around the country. No matter where it plays, it will be bound to cause some very animated audience reactions, much like those that we have seen at every screening thus far.”

It'll be a simultaneous, one-weekend event being held starting July 24 in nine major markets as of now, with more to be added soon. Here's a list of the announced screenings:

Landmark Sunshine Cinema- NY
Screening July 24th & 25th @ midnight

Nuart Theater- LA
Screening July 24th @ midnight

Alamo Drafthouse Cinema- AUSTIN
Screening July 24th & 25th @ midnight

Landmark Tivoli- ST. LOUIS
Screening July 24th & 25th @ midnight

Music Box Theater- CHICAGO
Screening July 24th & 25th @ midnight (get on it, BJ-C)

Grand Illusion- SEATTLE
Screening July 24th & 25th @ midnight

Inwood Theater- DALLAS
Screening July 24th & 25th @ midnight

River Oaks Theater- HOUSTON
Screening July 24th & 25th @ midnight

Fantasia Film Festival- MONTREAL
Screening July 24th @ midnight

If you're waiting for the next horror movie that's going to bite you on the ass and remind you what the genre can accomplish, get thee to a screening forthwith. If you don't believe me, then maybe you'll believe that ultimate font of all things geek, the venerable Ain't It Cool News, which termed the film, "pretty much fucking brilliant." Gotta love the AICN boys, always keepin' it classy.