Sunday, July 5, 2009

Weird Al Was Right--They're Reproducing in the Sewers!!

This bizarre video has been making the rounds of late, and is just on the cusp of becoming a viral sensation. Apparently, it's footage from inside a sewer pipe in Cameron Village, North Carolina, and shows some time of strange amorphous life forms living down there. I've been watching it obsessively for days now, and now I'd like to impart that obsession unto you:

OK. What the hell are they? Naturally, some have speculated some type of alien life form. I know, I know, no need to get all "Weekly World Report" about it. But really--what the hell ARE those things?? It's really freaking me out. Because they do seem to be alive. And having seen The Blob, The Thing, etc., I know that this can't end well...