Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wee-Sol Draws a Zombie

My son is only five years old, but man does he love him some zombies. The other day, as we were on the way to the Yale Art Gallery so I could introduce him to Hieronymus Bosch, he sketched this drawing in the backseat of the car:

(Click for a bigger image)

As he explained to me, it depicts someone (foreground) getting bitten in the arm by a zombie. You can just make out the zombie's head on the person's left arm. I'm assuming those black squiggles represent an abundance of gore. I have no idea what those blobs are falling from the sky--perhaps it's hailing. Or maybe they're other zombies. In the background is a house.

I'm thinking he was inspired by NOTLD. In any event, because his dad just so happens to run a horror blog, Wee-Sol now enjoys the fortune of having his artwork put out there for the world to appreciate...