Ever since I started doing CitD, I've been looking forward to having a chat about classic horror, and who better to have it with than the guy who runs Classic-Horror.com? Nate Yapp, author of that Rondo-nominated site (as well as of Cinema Geek, home of my 52 Perfect Movies series), was kind enough to join me this time out for an interesting discussion of all things old school.
Listen in below as we pontificate about everything from Universal stuff, to Val Lewton, to Hammer, in an effort to discover exactly what "classic horror" is, anyway. And we also get into what has changed in horror between then and now, which is always a subject of spirited debate. And then there's the whole Karloff vs. Lugosi controversy...
In addition to the embedded player, you can also proceed directly to the Vaultcast page, or download Conversations in the Dark right here.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
VAULTCAST: Conversations in the Dark... w/Nate Yapp
Conversations in the Dark,
Hammer Films,
Val Lewton