Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Black Sheep's Blu-Tuesday

Unfortunately, the site I usually reference for BD sales for the week prior has not posted the information as of yet so I can't tell you how well AVATAR continued to do.  Suffice it to say, I'm sure it did just fine.  No matter because there are plenty of releases coming today so we should just get straight to that.  Not surprisingly, they all would make great gifts for Mom.


This Rob Marshall musical was somewhat of a disappointment for critics expecting a CHICAGO repeat and an even bigger financial disappointment.  Now it hopes to find new life on BD.  The disc features a bunch of featurettes about the cast, the direction, the choreography.  There are some music videos included but no biggies like feature commentary.  They couldn't get all those women in a room together to tear Daniel Day-Lewis apart?  NINE is certainly flawed; it is hard to sympathize with a misogynist after all and even harder to get close to a character who has no concept of being close to anyone but himself.  Still, NINE overflows with talent and has a lot to offer any musical fan.


I have yet to see this Warner Bros. classic.  I am actually waiting for my copy from the good folks at Warner so I cannot let you know how good this transfer is.  I can tell you that this is the first time this title has appeared on BD and it comes in one of those gorgeous WB commemorative BD books.  Perhaps with Mother's Day right around the corner, you might want to pick this one up for her because she probably doesn't even know it's available.  Mind you, does your mother have a BD player?  Anyway, the new release features a bunch of previously released featurettes as well as a brand new documentary about the film itself.  I will let you know if I liked it later.


I can't believe it's been over 20 years since this classic romance was sweeping the female nation, inspiring not one but two soundtrack albums, a national dance tour and a sexy dance craze that got housewives all over the world signing up for lessons with their local sexy instructor.  The newly remastered film features new interviews and never before seen footage, as well as a tribute to the late Patrick Swayze.  This could also make Mom very happy or with the right amount of wine, it could probably make for a great nostalgic girls night.


First timers on BD this week include SAVING PRIVATE RYAN, the Best Picture that never really was, directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Hanks.  THE NOTEBOOK, one of the most cherished weepers out there, starring Rachel McAdams and my man, Ryan Gosling, makes its BD debut.  As for first run features finding their way home for the first time, the pickings are a little slim.  LEAP YEAR stars Amy Adams and the delicious Matthew Goode and follows her as she tries to find her fiance to propose to him cuz it's allowed on leap day apparently.  Francis Ford Coppola tried to go indie with TETRO, starring Vincent Gallo, but apparently failed miserably.  Sample at your own risk.  Still, I would sooner see that than see The Rock in TOOTH FAIRY.  The Rock as a tooth fairy?  I would sooner throw my teeth out and forego the cash than have him come visit me while I sleep.