Sunday, May 2, 2010

Black Sheep @ The Box Office

Reviews were certainly not favourable so it looked like, going into the weekend, that the remake of A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET might only be successful in its dreams.  It finished the weekend with a solid $32 million start but that's a good $8 million less than the recent FRIDAY THE 13TH remake did on its opening weekend.  From what I see in my Facebook feed, even fans aren't enjoying this one so expect a sizable plummet next weekend.  Meanwhile, and I must commend you guys on this one, Brendan Fraser's incredibly insipid looking, FURRY VENGEANCE, found absolutely no love from audiences. Crafty critters that talk and dopey but lovable Brendan Fraser in the same movie? I expected big numbers on this one.  Usually, when I think a movie looks so stupid that no one could possibly be into it, it blows up at the box office so this was a pleasant surprise.  

Reasonable declines for the rest of the Top 10, except KICK-ASS, which really didn't live up its title in the least, and OCEANS, both of which dropped off over 50% when word of mouth should have done the opposite. Below the Top 10, Foreign Language Oscar winner, THE SECRET IN THEIR EYES, continues to expand successfully, pulling in another $8.1K per screen average on 45 screens.  Michael Caine stars as HARRY BROWN - positive reviews propelled that one to $9.1K per screen on just 19 screens.  The big art house news of the week is about Nicolo Holofcener's PLEASE GIVE.  Starring Catherine Keener, this indie favorite scored a $25K per screen average on just 5 screens.  People definitely heeded the title and gave.

NEXT WEEK: IRON MAN 2 will obliterate all competition and kick off the 2010 summer season on 4000 screens.  And by the competition, I mean it will obliterate BABIES.  That's right.  Iron Man will kill babies next weekend.  Iron Man: Babies Killer.  ;)