Friday, June 18, 2010

VAULTCAST: Exclusive Interview with Novelist Scott Sigler!

A couple of years ago, my dad introduced me to an outstanding new horror novel called Infected. Right off the bat, I became a Scott Sigler fan, and have been one ever since. And so, when he asked me a few weeks ago if I would share the trailer for his new novel, Ancestor, with my readers, not only did I jump at the opportunity, but I also went so far as to ask if he'd consent to an interview on the Vaultcast.

Scott agreed, and now I'm very pleased to share our conversation with you. We cover a lot of ground--from the influence of Stephen King and his trailblazing in the area of podcast publishing, to his fascination with disease-based horror and the possibility of cinematic adaptations. And of course, we also get into Ancestor, which hits bookstores on Tuesday, June 22. Take a listen below, or head to the Vaultcast page, where you can download it.

Get Ancestor now, right here.