Sunday, October 3, 2010

Random Ramblings from the Vault...

  • AMC seems to be ramping up the hype machine for The Walking Dead, and I'm getting more jazzed with each passing day. All the footage has been stellar so far, and I get more excited with each commercial they jam in during my weekly dose of Mad Men. I'll also admit to obsessively watching and re-watching the trailer on AMC On Demand. OK, Mr. Darabont, you have my attention.
  • My heart is warmed at the generally positive reactions to Matt Reeves' Let Me In that seem to be pouring in. Alas, I did not see it over the weekend, opting instead for The Social Network (and did not regret it one iota, by the way--this one's Oscar material, folks.) But I shall most likely be checking out the American remake of my favorite Swedish vampire film later this week. Unfortunately, it seems to have not done too well at the box office, but such is the fate of most R-rated horror films, especially those which are hard to categorize, as well as somewhat unique and thought-provoking.
  • How about that Case 39? Never thought I'd see Renee Zellwegger returning to the horror genre after vigorously trying to bury Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation some 15+ years ago when her career was just taking off. Amazing what a few Leatherheads and Appaloosas will do to one's priorities.
  • So Hatchet II is out as well now. No thanks. Fool me once, shame on you...
  • Thus far, "Hammer Time" on Turner Classic Movies has been marvelous, with last Friday devoted entirely to Hammer's Dracula series. The main thing I learned watching Horror of Dracula, Brides of Dracula, Dracula: Prince of Darkness and Dracula Has Risen from the Grave? Cushing's Van Helsing is one hell of a snappy dresser. I particularly love the fur-lapelled jacket and Oktoberfest-style fedora. Anthony Hopkins and Hugh Jackman take note.
  • Am I the only one who has a really hard time eating those "gummy body part" candies that are everywhere around Halloween time? I mean, I love gummy candies as much as the next guy--hell, I was toilet-trained using gum drops as a reward, it's kind of ingrained--but those gummy eyeballs, fingers and whatnot? Just really skeeve me out.
  • Fellow Godzillaphile Miguel Rodriguez of the Monster Island Podcast has been kind enough to share this breathtaking video with me, which I am now passing along. I don't know how I missed this slice of fried gold, but it's a 2009 TV commercial reuniting all three of General Mills' classic cereal monsters. Whoever is doing Frankenberry's voice does one hell of a Karloff...

  • Speaking of Mr. Rodriguez, I'd like to point you in the direction of his aforementioned podcast, which this week features none other than Captain Cruella of the Carnivorous Cadavers as a guest. The good Captain also happens to be my next guest on Conversations in the Dark, which you can look for next week, leading up to the Village Invasion zombie crawl in Saugerties, New York on October 16. Cruella and I will be discussing not only the Crawl, but the whole bizarre phenomenon of zombies in pop culture...
  • I recently had the distinct pleasure of coming across what has to be the finest independent genre website I've seen in quite some time. It's called The Cultural Gutter, and I advise any and all intelligent fans of horror, science fiction, comics, and all other forms of "artistic pursuits generally considered to be beneath consideration" to check it out. This is that rarest of the rare: A smart, critically minded genre site genuinely devoted to spirited debate and discourse. From their manifesto:
While the writers have considerable enthusiasm for their subjects, they don't let it numb their critical faculties. Tossing away the shield of journalistic objectivity and refusing the shovel of fannish boosterism, they write in the hopes of starting honest and intelligent discussions about these oft-enjoyed but rarely examined artforms.
Count me in!
  • Although it seems hard to fathom, The Vault of Horror's earth-shaking third anniversary fast approaches, and if you follow our Facebook page, then you know there's a little contest afoot. If not, go here and get acquainted. I've posted a picture of my horror DVD collection there, and whoever can identify the most DVDs in the picture will be able to select any DVD included therein to become his/her very own. I've got neat prizes for second and third place as well, so check it out. E-mail your list to b-sol @ by October 13 to be eligible (private emails only, please). Full details are at the FB page, but here's the pic again for good measure: