Sunday, December 5, 2010

Horror Blog Roundup!

It's been quite some time since I've done one of these--actually it was way back in the HorrorBlips days, when it was far easier to have all your daily horror blog goodness in one, convenient place. Well, it's time to stop being lazy and recognize some of the fine work being done by my dear friends and colleagues throughout the blogosphere. Let's peruse, shall we?

Billy Loves Stu: This one ain't safe for the kiddies, folks--but since when is the legendary Pax Romano one to concern himself with the boundaries of moral propriety? Pax is revisiting one of his most popular features, casting the lurid spotlight on some truly hilarious examples of horror porn spoofs. Four words: Nightmare on Twink Street. Pax, I salute you. The horror community was saddened recently at the loss of Hammer's uncontested queen, Ingrid Pitt. If you're looking for a concise and effective tribute/obituary to the woman and her career, look no further than Nate Yapp's excellent site.

Day of the Woman: My beloved sister blogger, BJ-C, has done it again with another one of her "Things I Love to Do" pictorial posts. They always warm my evil heart, and this time is no exception. Funny stuff from the online Mistress of the Macabre...

Fascination with Fear: Talented writer and fellow horse racing aficionado Christine Hadden is making her blog live up to its name by taking an in-depth look at what specifically frightens her the most about certain horror flicks. So head over and check out the first two installments of what is sure to be a captivating series, Bringing on the Fear.

Freddy in Space: Johnny Boots never fails to put forth captivating content in one of my absolute favorite corners of the horrorsphere. This time, he takes an amusing look back at Roger Ebert's fascination relationship with the horror genre over the years. Worth it just for the illustration alone!

The Horror Digest: One can always rely on the one and only Andre "Don't Call Me Alexandre" Dumas to come through with some serious gems, and I am constantly entertained by the fruits of her critical labors. What I also appreciate is her willingness to flout the boundaries of what might normally be covered on a horror blog. For example, her most recent bold confession of love for Batman Forever. No, it has nothing to do with horror. But you know what--who cares? It's a hoot, and you need to give it a look.

Love Train for the Tenebrous Empire: You all know that the lovely Tenebrous Kate is my running buddy and all-around gal pal, not to mention a real-life friend within the horror blogosphere. She's also very good at what she does, and very recently, that included putting together a comparison of Herschel Gordon Lewis' original The Wizard of Gore, with the 2007 remake. In-depth, and persuasive as always.

Musings Across a Continuum: For those of you who may not yet be aware (shame on you!), the utterly fabulous Ms. Harker has returned to the blogging community after an extended baby-related hiatus. In her most recent post, she weighs in on the controversial news of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer reboot sans Joss Whedon...

Planet of Terror!: The Fies' sisters epic horror film festival series, Bleedfest, has been generating quite a bit of buzz lately, and one man who has been doing so much to help promote it is the most excellent Cortez Killer. Here, Cortez chimes in with some reviews of the short films being shown in this month's installment.

Theofantastique: If you're looking to exercise those brain muscles while you do your blog reading, you will always do well to pay John W. Morehead a visit. This time, he addresses a lecture given by science fiction author Robert J. Sawyer, in which Sawyer takes issue with some apparent damage George Lucas has wrought on the social relevance of the sci-fi genre (which I happen to agree with.) Damn good reading.

That'll do for the time being, but there's a lot more great stuff being done out there, so be sure to spend some time surfing the horror blogosphere and soaking up what my magnificent cohorts and cronies are cooking up. And will someone please get HorrorBlips back up and running again, please? Thank you.