Tuesday, March 3, 2009

ABC Announces First Star for Its V Remake

The recently announced greenlit remake of the 1980s classic miniseries V now has its first officially attached star. The Hollywood Reporter broke the news yesterday that Scott Wolf of Party of Five fame--last seen on ABC's ill-fated The Nine--will play the role of a TV newscaster who turns Baltar and becomes the Visitors' propaganda tool.

The new version of V is planned as an ongoing series, and is expected to follow a somewhat different narrative from the original. Meaning, don't expect any of the characters you knew from before. I'm thinking this thing is going to be heavily BSG-influenced.

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I wanted to thank all the contributors and readers who helped make the first-ever Cyber Horror Awards a success. If you head over to the awards page, you'll be able to read some gracious words from some of the winners, including Saw V director David Hackl, who won Best Production Design for Repo! The Genetic Opera. Here's hoping that the CHAs will become even bigger and better in the coming years!