Specifically, it was the indoor Camp Crystal Lake set in Austin, Texas. Carlson reports that those in charge of the project are very respectiful to the original franchise (what else are they going to say?), and offers this interesting bit from producer Brad Fuller:
"We’re not going back to the original, but we’re using pieces from it. And we’re not disregarding the rest of the series, so fans will see moments from parts three, four and five. And then we’re trying to do some stuff that hasn’t been done before. At a certain level, this franchise started in a certain place and went off in another direction, and we wanted to go back where we thought it was the strongest—the first four movies—more or less use that as our template and go from there."
Fango's report also features comments from the film's stars, including Derek Mears (The Hills Have Eyes II), who is donning the hockey mask this time around. Read more here.
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Special thanks today go out to The Raven's Barrow, which included The Vault of Horror in its roundup of "5 Horror Blogs You Should Be Reading". Aw, shucks!