This morning, Bloody-Disgusting posted an exclusive interview with Cloverfield director Matt Reeves from the official premiere of his sure-to-be blockbuster.
During the interview, Reeves gave credence to rumors of a planned sequel, even speculating as to what it could be about:
"While we were on set making the film, we talked about the possibilities and directions of how a sequel can go. The fun of this movie was that it might not have been the only movie being made that night, there might be another movie! In today’s day and age of people filming their lives on their iPhones and handy cams, uploading it to YouTube…That was kind of exciting thinking about that."Further, the film's writer Drew Goddard indicated that the PG-13 creature feature was originally intended to be a lot more graphically violent:
"The original draft was much more brutal. I wanted a hard R and we didn’t get a hard R, they read it and said this is way to brutal. I will say that I think we pushed the limits on a PG-13 rating. We certainly shot a harder version than what is on the screen. We originally wanted it to be more bloody and disgusting." [Nice plug, guys!]
Well, at least it'll be relatively safe for me to take my monster-lovin' kids to see this weekend. Apparently, Goddard dodged the interesting question of whether a re-edited version of the film will make it to DVD (which means the likely answer is "Yes".)